The Time is Now: #BreakUpandMove

February 10, 2015

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Break Up and Move

Whether it’s the start of a new year, the repeated comments from your friends or the little voice inside that increasingly becomes difficult to ignore – we all reach a point in our lives when we decide enough is enough, it’s time to move on. There is no better time than now to break up with things that aren’t right for you in life, love and contraception and move on to find a better match.

Break Up and Move

I think it’s safe to say that the last year and a half has been the most challenging time in my life. I was unhealthy due to complicated health issues and unhappy in both my relationship and job. I knew it was time to make major changes in my life and I had to dig down deep to find the courage to do what was best for me. This came from a place of love. When I loved myself enough, I began to separate myself from whatever wasn’t healthy – pharmaceutical medication that was hindering my recovery, my corporate career, my ex-fiance…basically anything that kept me small. For a long time my judgement called it disloyal, but I came to realize it as self-loving and I am the happiest I’ve been in ages.

The term “Break-Up” may carry a negative connotation but you have to change your perspective and think of it as a way to find something better. There has been a reoccurring theme of resolutions in my blog posts so far in 2015 because this is the time of year that people lose focus on their new year’s goals. This Thursday, Ryerson University will be hosting a “Break Up and Move” campus event which will feature a complimentary yoga class taught by one of my fave instructor’s in the city Amber Joliat of Misfit Studio, followed by a moderated panel discussion with a women’s health and relationship expert. This unique event will hopefully generate a healthy dialogue and motivate young women to consider change in their personal and health decisions.

Break Up and Move

I would love to hear from you…what are some of the things you want to break up with this year? Tweet me @sashaexeter using the hashtag #BreakUpandMove. If birth control is something you’re considering breaking up with, check out for more information. You can find inspiration to break up with the things that are no longer working for you on *This is a sponsored post

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