Brought to you by Jamieson and TheCo
I have said this many times in the past on my blog but we tend to take supplements and vitamins very seriously in our household. So much so, we moved into our current place because the kitchen had enough pantry space to accommodate all our pills and powders. One of these days I will have to do a pantry tour on my IG stories and take you through what I take on a daily basis. But for right now I just want to chat a bit about one essential vitamin that is too often overlooked, especially during this time of the year.
Are you Vitamin D deficient? If you’re not taking Vitamin D supplements year round, chances are you’re deficient. We often hear advice from healthcare providers that we should take Vitamin D during the long and dark winter months because of our very limited exposure to the sun. Many of us oblige during that time, without even knowing why it’s vital for our health, but most Canadians tend to assume that once summer hits, we obtain enough natural Vitamin D from the good ‘ole sunshine. NOT. TRUE. What’s even more alarming, although our body produces Vitamin D naturally through the sun, this can only happen when your body isn’t protected by sunscreen…a fact that is not known to many. I mean, I literally just recently discovered this myself. So I know you’re probably wondering, “are you suggesting that we don’t wear sunscreen?” Absolutely not! I do not leave my house without SPF 50 and I make sure that Maxie has on infant safe sunscreen to protect her delicate skin because we LOVE the outdoors. We both also take Vitamin D every single day for our immune system and bone health and taking 1,000 IU’s can help prevent deficiency. This is why Jamieson Vitamins has made Vitamin D a part of their Jamieson Essentials line-up of four natural health products designed to help you get the key nutrients necessary for overall good health; Probiotics, Multivitamin, Omega-3 and of course Vitamin D.
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the vitamin options so your best bet if you’re not taking any at all right now is to start with Jamieson Essentials to make sure you have the basics covered and you can also consult your healthcare provider for advice on additional supplements. With the official start of summer right around the corner, make sure you sun safely with a combination of Vitamin D and sunscreen. To learn more, head to
This post is in partnership with Jamieson Vitamins for monetary compensation and/or product however all opinions are my own.
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