I may not normally agree with PETA’s “out there” tactics to get people’s attention but this time they succeeded in getting mine and I was so impressed with their latest innovative campaign, I felt compelled to share it with you. In the past, the Animals Rights Organization’s content has been too gruesome for me to watch, which didn’t allow me to properly receive their intended message.
PETA teamed up with global advertising agency, Ogilvy & Mather (Beijing division) to create a video in which animals wear human skin and strut down the runway in a fashion show. Holy role reversal right!!!! Aptly titled, Runway Reversal the animals are the star of the show acting as models, not only wearing human skin but hair as well…instead of what is usually the other way around.
Shakira Croce, a Spokesperson for PETA states that the organization’s primary target is Chinese consumers: “China [is] our number one target for it’s lack of animal-protection penalties. For obvious political reasons, protest is pointless in China, so…[we] created this slick short to provide debate amongst young consumers without targeting a specific brand and drawing the ire of trade officials.”
Post fashion show, the camera heads backstage and captures more human skin hung on runway racks, meat hooks and humans trapped in cages, in addition to a bloodied corpse. The video was capped off with the follow statement: “Millions of animals are slaughtered for fashion every year. What if the tables were turned? What if humans had to endure the painful skinning that animals endure for ‘fashion’? Before buying new skin, put yourself in the animals position.”
Take a look at the video below…no need to be fearful, the video is not graphic at all and as you can see the runway show was developed with CGI animation.
Do you wear fur? If so…real or faux? I grew up with a Mother who wore glamorous real furs in the eighties and I always thought she looked so chic and elegant when she headed out for a night on the town wearing them. However, from the nineties until now, my viewpoints on real fur have changed due to my increased awareness on animal cruelty. I do not judge others choices at all, but I prefer to wear faux. I feel I can achieve almost the same look without having the guilty conscious. I’m looking forward to hearing all your comments and thoughts on the campaign!
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