As a kid I remember sealing love notes to my crush or pen pals with a kiss on the back of the envelope – and I’m totally sure I wasn’t the only one doing that…you were too! I had a convo earlier this week about letters and hand written notes and it’s obvious absence in today’s society as we have given way to emails and text messages. And I find it comical that we have gotten so lazy to actually type how we feel and now replace these written emotions with digital emoticons. So I guess it only seems natural for the next step to be merging written notes and the digital space…enter the Burberry Kisses platform.
Burberry Kisses was launched this week and I’m literally in LOVE with this fashion tech concept that the British heritage brand has collaborated on with Google. It’s simply their innovative attempt to humanize technology by allowing users to seal digital messages with a real kiss to anywhere in the world using “innovative kiss recognition” – awwww how sweet! The emotive digital experience is hosted on and is best accessed via a touchscreen device such as an iPhone or iPad but it totally compatible with a laptop or desktop with a webcam.
How It Works: Simply kiss the screen as instructed and a printed replica of your exact pout appears and is available for you to customize in the Burberry lipstick of your choice to send anywhere across the globe. And get this, when sent, you can watch a real-time interactive map through animations as your “kiss” makes it’s way to the recipient while also seeing which cities are sending and receiving the most love.
“We’re constantly thinking of how we translate the emotion of what we create and experience in the real world into the digital space, whether it’s capturing the energy and excitement of a live gig, the hum and buzz of anticipation before a runway show, or just the feeling you get when you pull on your trench coat on a rainy morning” Burberry’s Chief Creative Officer, Christopher Bailey tells the press. “Burberry Kisses began with an idea of giving technology a bit of heart and soul, and using it to unite the Burberry family across the world – by telling a story that makes the digital space personal.”
Check out the beyond cute video starring models Charlotte Wiggins and Rob Pryor and soundtrack by Burberry Acoustic Musician Misty Miller for an in-depth look at how it all works:
It’s totally free, so go ahead and send your personal and touching digital kiss to your love and/or besties today!
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