I think it’s only fair that I begin this post by admitting I am not a soda drinker. The only carbonated bevvies I consume are alcoholic ones – Champagne and Prosecco – for realsies. I’ve just returned from a trip to NYC and it’s no secret that Americans are serious about their soda (or pop if you’re from the Midwest or Canada). So serious in fact, I overheard a tennis fan at the US Open verbally accosting a food vendor because they did not carry his preferred choice of soda. Said individual overheard my exasperated sigh and like a true New Yorker told me to “Get lost!”. Initially I found this to be hysterical but then thought that maybe there is a reason why soda drinkers are so brand loyal – and what the heck do I know anyways, I don’t normally drink them!
Over the summer months I’ve been hearing about “Pepsi’s Taste Challenge“ all over Twitter, as the brand has decided to re-introduce the iconic grassroots campaign that changed consumer marketing when it debuted 40 years ago and I spotted a Taste Challenge Pop-Up in Toronto and decided I was going to do a taste challenge of my own at home over the long weekend just to see if there really is a difference in taste between Pepsi and it’s rival Coke. Two friends agreed to join in as well so I would have more than my own opinion for this post.
Toronto’s Pepsi Taste Challenge Event – Photo courtesy of SideWalkHustle.com
There is NO SHAME in my game…and was fully committed to admit which I preferred after the blind taste test. Believe it or not, all 3 of us unanimously chose Pepsi as the better taste. To be honest, I was surprised that none of us chose Coke. Literally shocked at how distinctively different they taste from one another. Although I won’t ever be the individual purchasing cola/soda during my weekly trips to the grocery or out dining, I finally understand why Pepsi drinkers are loyal to the brand.
Pepsi vs. Coke – What is your preference?
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