Summertime means many things to many people but to us women, we work hard most of the Winter months to get bikini ready. Seeing as though strong is the new sexy or as Nike Master Trainer Eva Redpath would say, “Fit is It!”, we recently hooked up to go through the “Beach Ready” workout from Nike’s NTC+app – and trust me, it’s a lot tougher than it sounds! Unlike most of exercises you will find in the app, which are usually done alone, this specific workout was designed for you to team up with a training partner to help motivate while you strengthen and tone both your core and legs. This quick and dirty workout is only 15 minutes…you can combine it with 30 minutes of cardio to maximize your workout!
The “Beach Ready” workout and behind-the-scenes video below features Brazilian Beach Volleyball players (and sisters) Maria Clara and Carolina Salgado and has 5 drills including overhead tricep extensions, russian twist ball tosses, single leg deadlifts…and of course, Eva threw in some bonus exercises at the end!
Photography by Robert Okine and video provided by Nike
If you haven’t downloaded the NTC+ app yet, you can do so for free here. Once you have downloaded the app on your phone or iPad, go through the follow steps to locate and begin the workout:
1. Choose “Get Workout” on the home screen
2. Select “Get Focused”
3. Choose “Beach Ready Gym Workout”
4. Select the “Review Workout” tab to view each exercise in the series
5. Then hit “Download” and you can start the workout when you are ready
What Eva’s Wearing: Nike Pro Padded Sports Bra c/o Nike // G87 Training Tank Top c/o Nike // Legendary Night Light Tight Fit Training Capris c/o Nike // Nike Free Printed 5.0 TR Fit 4 c/o Nike
What I’m Wearing: Pro Rival Bra c/o Nike // Legendary “Night Light” Tight Fit Training Pants c/o Nike // Nike Free Printed 5.0 TR Fit 4 c/o Nike
In case you missed it, you can check out my last fitness post featuring NTC’s Total Body Sculpting workout here and you can find additional information on the new Nike Pro Bra Collection and NTC Pop-UP in Toronto here . Good luck and enjoy getting out there and training with a partner. A good friend will count your reps and make you do 10 more 😉
For motivation and tips, get social and follow Eva Redpath on Twitter and Instagram!
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