My knowledge of babies and giving birth was definitely not where it needed to be when I found out I was having Maxwell. To be honest, I didn’t even know how many centimetres I had to be dilated to give birth until I was almost at the end of my pregnancy. A fact that I […]
I bet if we were all told 5 years ago that we were going to be in a long term lockdown due to a global pandemic, working from home for a year, perpetually having to wear K95 face masks whenever we left the house for “essentials”, with kids doing remote learning from home, never in […]
29 weeks and counting. I can honestly say that I feel like a duck – calm up top but paddling like heck under water. We are not even close to being properly prepared for this baby’s arrival. We are still in the midst of determining which products we absolutely need and which ones will just […]
As I get closer to my delivery date, my anxiety continues to rise exponentially. And when it comes to impending motherhood and raising a child, I am realizing how little I actually know right about now. In order to stay grounded, I keep reminding myself that if there were a manual for being a parent, […]