When you invest a lot of money in clothes, the expectation is that they are going to last and look good after the first wear (or wash). The relationship I have with clothes is definitely a love/hate one…obviously love at first sight but more often than not, I get irritated with my dark denim when […]
I bet if we were all told 5 years ago that we were going to be in a long term lockdown due to a global pandemic, working from home for a year, perpetually having to wear K95 face masks whenever we left the house for “essentials”, with kids doing remote learning from home, never in […]
Paris is one of my fave cities in the world, as it’s all about luxury, style and class. If you have been lucky enough to travel to the “City of Lights” you may have already heard of the famous Hotel Costes, a 5 star boutique hotel known as the den of opulence with one of […]