With the holidays coming up soon I am doing what I can to take it easy on my caloric intake and give my digestive system a bit of a break before things get hectic. Sundays are always a great day for me to stick to juices, smoothies and raw food as my schedule resembles that […]
I bet if we were all told 5 years ago that we were going to be in a long term lockdown due to a global pandemic, working from home for a year, perpetually having to wear K95 face masks whenever we left the house for “essentials”, with kids doing remote learning from home, never in […]
Spring time is the most optimal time for a detox/cleanse to rid your body of built up waste and toxins accumulated over the Winter months – hello copious amounts of comfort food consumed over the holiday season! After attending an intimate luncheon with some Toronto influencers at the Belmonte Raw boutique a month ago, I […]