Genuine Health’s Fermented Greek Yoghurt Proteins+ Directed by on Vimeo. No matter what kind of workout I’m doing, I give 100% in the gym. It’s funny, when people see me exercising and in my zone, they always ask me, “What are you training for?”. I usually giggle before responding, “Life. I’m just trying to be […]
I bet if we were all told 5 years ago that we were going to be in a long term lockdown due to a global pandemic, working from home for a year, perpetually having to wear K95 face masks whenever we left the house for “essentials”, with kids doing remote learning from home, never in […]
The fitness apparel game has changed with more players seeking marketshare than ever before. Brands whose core business had only been about high street fashion are now jumping onto the fitness craze bandwagon. With some, actually making quite beautiful contemporary activewear with luxe technical fabrics. This change in the landscape has no doubt left big […]
Although I’m frequently doing checks and balances throughout the calendar year in regards to setting goals and making sure I stay on track to attain them, there’s something about the beginning of a new year that’s always extra special. It’s filled with so much hope and excitement of both the unknown and what’s to come. […]
Yes, we are approaching winter. And yes, it is cold here in Toronto. However, this doesn’t mean that we need to settle for indoor gym workouts or worse, no workouts at all. For the second year in a row, Nike Toronto is offering outdoor winter training and run programming to help athletes stay motivated and […]
If you’ve ever been injured, you are well aware of how tough the road to recovery is. I have suffered injuries over the years of course, but outside of my health condition, nothing has ever put me on the sidelines until now. Hearing the words “You can’t run” was like hearing I was sentenced to […]
Ladies, we’re officially in the home stretch with less than two weeks before the Nike Women Race Series hits Toronto for the very first time. From Thursday June 11th to Sunday June 14th, you can pretty much expect a total Swoosh takeover in the city, with a line-up of activities that will not only inspire […]
For many people, having a crazy busy schedule is often times the reason that they are not getting in regular workouts. The misconception is that you need an hour or two each workout to reap the benefits of exercise. This could not be further from the truth. Through my partnership with Equinox here in Toronto, […]
With spring around the corner, everyone is obsessed with getting in shape and leading a healthy lifestyle, so my friends at Equinox have asked me to share my guide to living a “Fit Life“. To be honest, if living a fit life was easy, everyone would be doing it. Most don’t because staying fit takes […]
In 2014 I had a remarkable year of both personal and professional developments and many of these changes I can credit to running. Last year I beat medical odds and smashed my Nike Women San Francisco race goal and along the way I met some amazing women. In case you missed out in December, I […]
Most people start off the new year with good intentions to make changes to their lifestyle and majority of these usually are health and fitness related. As many as 40% of North Americans make new years resolutions and only an alarming 8% actually achieve these goals. One of my personal goals this year is to […]